Home > D. G. > Decomposed Granite For Sale > Desert Gold Decomposed Granite

Desert Gold Decomposed Granite

Central Arizona Quarry
Desert Gold gravel name suffers a lot of abuse in the stone yard industry, the correct material for this product belongs to a quarry in Central Arizona and this is a widely used in the Phoenix and Tucson markets with bulk shipping into the Southern California landscaping industry.
There are many re-sellers in Southern California who in order to hide the source of their material call their Decomposed Granite "Desert Gold." These two materials do not look anything a like each other.

There are also some re-sellers in Northern California who in order to hide the source of the granite gravel they are selling call their material "Desert Gold." Perhaps they should just call it Coastal Gold since that granite gravel is quarried in the Monterey County region.

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Desert Gold Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus Desert Gold Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus Per Ton RockSack

Central Arizona quarry with materials shipping bulk throughout San Diego, Orange, and Riverside Counties and in SuperEarth-sacks.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $239.99 Central Arizona Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $174.99
Savings: $65.00
Desert Gold Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus Desert Gold Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus Truck Load

Central Arizona quarry with materials shipping bulk throughout San Diego, Orange and Riverside Counties and in SuperEarth-sacks.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $131.99 Central Arizona Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $71.99
Savings: $60.00
Desert Gold Decomposed Granite